Knowledge base
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This guide explains how to transfer data (Web, Mail, Domain, and even Cloud) currently hosted elsewhere to Infomaniak. You remain, of course, the owner of your data, without loss or interruption!
Don't have time to migrate your services? Launch a free tender to find an Infomaniak partner who will handle everything.
Specific Guides
Click on the link corresponding to your current hosting provider:
- Swisscom: complete guide to migrate Web, Mail, and domain name data
Guides for any other host
To retrieve all other data, follow the procedures below:
- guide to migrate Web data (any PHP, HTML, etc. site - for WordPress read this guide)
- guide to migrate Mail data (email addresses, mailbox content, etc.)
- guide to transfer the domain name (domain management, DNS zone, etc.)
To avoid interrupting your website and emails and prevent any content loss when importing your existing data, migrate your services in the indicated order.
You can also bring over other types of data onto Infomaniak servers:
- content from Dropbox, Google Drive, etc.: read this guide
- data from Synology or QNAP NAS: read this guide
Why join Infomaniak?
By consolidating your domain names, websites, and email addresses with Infomaniak, you simplify the management of your invoices and services. Moreover, the linking of your domains will be done automatically with your site and email address. You will not need to manually configure the DNS of your domains with another registrar.
Learn more about Infomaniak
To transfer a domain name you own with another company to Infomaniak, follow the guide below.
1. Obtain the Authorization Code
The authorization code (or EPP code) is specific to the domain name you are transferring.
Get it from your current provider's client account (read our guides), or ask them for it!
It may be necessary to unlock any transfer protection.

2. Transfer the Domain Name
Search for the domain name in question on this Infomaniak page.
Click the button to start the transfer!

3. Configure the Options
Follow the wizard to add or remove the desired options.
After entering the domain name holder's details, this step is the most important:

Leave the toggle button enabled (as shown above) if…
- all products or services associated with this domain name are already with Infomaniak
- no products or services are linked to your domain name
or disable the toggle button if…
- some products or services associated with this domain name are elsewhere than with Infomaniak
4. Enter the Authorization Code
Below, paste the authorization code copied in step 1 and confirm the transfer by clicking the button:

Then click the Next button at the bottom right to proceed to the final step.
5. The Final Step
The final step allows you to settle any applicable fees (depending on the domain extension) and renewal methods.
Read and accept the terms and conditions and then click Next to complete the order:

6. Manage Your Domain Names
Find your domain names on the Infomaniak Manager and monitor their transfer, configuration, expiration…

If an issue arises with the transfer, an email will be sent to you containing the reason for the failure and the procedure to resume the transfer.
This guide explains how to replace the main domain name associated with a Website hosted on Infomaniak if you want to, for example, change your business name or correct the spelling.
- It is not possible to simply change the spelling of the domain name concerned.
- You need to have the new domain name and install it in place of the current one by performing a swap (see below).
- You can also rename your Web Hosting product in the Infomaniak Manager, but changing the name of a hosting product has no impact on the site URLs.
- You need to act on the domain name and, if necessary, adjust the site content.
Change the Website's Domain Name
To replace the domain name assigned to the site with another domain name:
- Prepare the new domain name (if necessary, you need to purchase it)
- If the change you are seeking is more of a "subdomain" to "main domain" (e.g., →, then read this guide
- Log in to the Infomaniak Manager ( using a web browser like Brave or Firefox.
- Click on the ‍ icon at the top right of the interface (or navigate using the left sidebar menu, for example).
- Select Hosting (in the Web & Domain section).
- Click directly on the name of the relevant item in the displayed table
- Click on the relevant site (in the Sites section)
- Read the guide to add the new domain as an alias to your site (be sure to read the prerequisites)
It is this alias that will replace the current main domain name after the swap you will perform. So once the alias domain is added to your site, still in the same place in the Manager (in the Sites section):
- Click on the action menu â‹® to the right of the alias intended to become the main domain (in the Domains section).
- Select Set as main domain
- If necessary, remove the old domain name and its variants that have become alias domains.
If you are using a SSL certificate, you will need to update it to include the added aliases.
If you are using the dedicated IP option, you need to uninstall and reinstall it after the swap you will perform.
Adapt the Site Content to the New Name
In some cases, the web application used for the site development may require some adjustments to work with the new domain name. Click on the link corresponding to the development of your site to adapt the content:
This guide explains how to redirect a domain name directly to another or how to automatically send visitors from your website to another page address (internal or external URL).
You will need to take action either on the domain name itself (it must be hosted by Infomaniak, and its DNS must also be those of Infomaniak), or on the code present in your pages (htaccess page, homepage, etc.) if you have a website.
⚠️ For additional help, contact a partner or submit a request for proposal — also read the role of the host
Acting on the Domain Name
via Web Redirection Tool
The tool available in the Manager allows you to easily act on the domain name (or subdomain) to redirect it to the Internet address of your choice.
via DNS changes or A record
Change the DNS of the domain name or modify its A/AAAA records to direct web traffic to another provider.
Acting on the Code of the Pages
via HTML code to insert
Insert this line of code between the <head>
and </head>
tags of your homepage (usually named index.html):
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=INSERT-HERE-NEW-URL">
Replace 5 with the desired waiting time in seconds (0 for an immediate effect).
Google search engine suggests using a server-side 301 redirect (see below). The W3C also advises against using it.
via PHP code to insert
If the site page has a .php extension, insert this function call at the top of the file:
header("refresh: 5; url=INSERT-HERE-NEW-PAGE-URL");
via .htaccess file
To redirect all traffic to your site (regardless of the called page) to another address, insert this in the .htaccess file at the root of your site:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ INSERT-HERE-NEW-URL/$1 [R=301]
To target the page that needs to be redirected:
Redirect permanent /old_page.html insert destination URL here
Redirectpermanent, Redirect permanent, and Redirect 301 are equivalent commands.
Here is another example of redirecting a subpart to the homepage (this directive works with "deep links" unlike a permanent redirect):
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule "old/path/url "/" [L]
This guide explains how to restore backups of previous versions of your files and other web data from your Infomaniak hosting, and how to set up an effective backup policy if the backups provided automatically and for free no longer meet your availability or security needs.
Web Hosting (Starter, Shared, Cloud Server)
Guides to restore automatic backups:
- of an entire hosting (FTP + MySQL)
- of specific files on hosting
- of specific databases
- of a Web Application (Wordpress & Apps)
- of SSH crons of Cloud Server
Also read these guides to backup and restore:
- hosting with Swiss Backup and Acronis (simple)
- hosting with Swiss Backup and Restic (advanced)
- WordPress with Swiss Backup
- WordPress with an extension
Also read
v1 Hosting (old 60 GB offer)
- view and/or download the automatic backup (versioning) of your data on your FTP space under /backups and /backup_mysql at the root of the domain (above /web)
- restore this data
- restore messages from Infomaniak's automatic backups
- restore contacts or calendar events
- backup the current content of an email account:
- by downloading the current content locally
- by duplicating all current content to a backup mailbox
- by copying future emails as they arrive to a backup mailbox
- restore deleted DNS records from Infomaniak's automatic backups
- restore an expired domain in redemption period
Thank you for entrusting the management of your domain names to Infomaniak.
This guide will help you quickly use the essential features of your new product.
What do you want to do?
- protect your personal information in the Whois
- protect your domain from theft and loss
- link a domain to an Infomaniak WEB hosting
- link a domain to an Infomaniak MAIL hosting
- edit the records (A, MX, Web, Mail, etc.) of a domain registered with Infomaniak to, for example, connect to a hosting not managed by Infomaniak
- use the free services (mail and Web 10 MB) linked to a domain managed by Infomaniak
- add a synonym domain (alias) to a domain
- edit the domain name contact details
- transfer another domain name to Infomaniak
- change the DNS servers
See also all the FAQs for this product; click here to share feedback or a suggestion about an Infomaniak product.
This guide explains how to transfer an Infomaniak product from one Organization to another.
- You can move any product subscribed to Infomaniak to a different Infomaniak Manager interface than the one where the product is currently located; this is an internal transfer.
- If your user has access to multiple Organizations, it is very easy to send the product of your choice to one of them.
- This operation does not cause any interruption.
- Users currently having access to the selected products will not be transferred (and may therefore no longer have access to the products).
- Invoices for the selected products will not be transferred.
Generate a Transfer Link
- Be an Administrator or Legal Representative‍ within the Organization.
To transfer a product:
- Click here to access the product transfer management page in the Infomaniak Manager (need help?).
- Click the Transfer Products button:
- Select the product(s) to move.
- Review and accept the terms and conditions.
- Click the Transfer button.
The transfer has started. Now, you can:
- Copy the transfer link.
- Send it to the email address of your choice.
- Complete the transfer by selecting one of the Organizations linked to your user account, and the selected product will be transferred there:
Alternative Method
For a one-time transfer, you can also go directly to the dashboard of the product in question and click Manage (example in the image below). However, since this menu is not always available, it is better to use the first method above, which also allows for batch transfers:
Refer to this other guide about Jelastic Cloud.
Receive the Product
Once a transfer has started:
- Click here to access the Organization that will receive the product(s) (the user must have administrative rights).
- Execute the link obtained in the first step above.
- If necessary, choose the destination Organization using the dropdown menu.
- Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.
- Click the Receive Product(s) button (if the button is not clickable, make sure to select the Organization).
If needed, you can create a new Organization to receive products.
You can track an ongoing transfer at any time from the icon at the bottom of the left sidebar in the Infomaniak Manager:
With Domain Privacy, Infomaniak allows you to preserve the privacy of your personal information (name, email address, postal address, and phone number) and effectively protect yourself against SPAM.
What is the WHOIS Directory?
ICANN-accredited registrars are obligated to publish the contact details of a domain owner in the public WHOIS directory. This directory lists all registered domains and is primarily used for:
- Checking domain name availability.
- Checking trademark infringements.
- Contacting the domain owner in case of legal issues.
Domain Privacy Preserves Your Privacy and Protects You from SPAM
Some clients are concerned about the privacy of their personal data and do not want to publicly display their email address, phone number, and postal address in the WHOIS directory.
Domain Privacy addresses this need for privacy and allows you to conceal your actual contact information. With this protection, WHOIS searches for your domain will not reveal your personal details but instead show the information of our partner Domain Privacy Trustee SA.
- You are protected against SPAM: marketing companies and individuals cannot use your personal data.
- You retain full ownership of your domain.
- It is still possible to contact you through a secure form that protects your identity.
Activate Domain Privacy for an Existing Domain
Domain Privacy can be activated in a few seconds:
- Log in to the Infomaniak Manager ( from a web browser like Brave or Firefox.
- Click on the icon in the top right corner of the interface (or navigate using the left-side menu, for example).
- Choose Domains (under the Web & Domain section).
- Click directly on the name of the relevant item in the table that appears.
- Enable Domain Privacy from the dashboard
Learn More
- Discover the domain extensions supported by Domain Privacy
- Check domain name availability
- Transfer a domain to Infomaniak
- How much does a domain cost?
DNS Fast Anycast replicates the DNS of your domain worldwide and accelerates access to your site by an average of 34%. The option can be activated with a single click and does not require any modification to your code.
What is DNS Fast Anycast
Thanks to DNS Fast Anycast, the DNS of your domain is replicated in over 20 points of presence worldwide. Wherever your visitors are located, they are redirected to the nearest DNS server, which speeds up access to your site by an average of 34% (DNS resolution). Furthermore, if one of your DNS servers were to become unavailable, the nearest server naturally takes over, allowing your visitors to continue accessing your site.
In summary, DNS Fast Anycast reduces latency and increases the availability of your websites without requiring any modifications to your code.
- All you need is a domain name managed by Infomaniak. It is easy to transfer the management of your domain to Infomaniak if necessary.
- DNS Fast Anycast is compatible with all internet sites, regardless of your web host.
- The replication of your domain's DNS is automatic, and no modifications to your code are required.
Activate DNS Fast Anycast
To access DNS Fast Anycast:
- Log in to the Infomaniak Manager ( using a web browser such as Brave or Firefox.
- Click on the icon in the top right of the interface (or navigate using the left side menu, for example).
- Select Domains (universe Web & Domain).
- Click directly on the name of the item in the table that appears.
- Enable DNS Fast Anycast from the dashboard.
This guide explains how to set up a Dynamic DNS (DDNS) record for a domain name with DNS hosted at Infomaniak.
This free alternative to Dyn and DynHost is very useful if you want to access devices connected to the internet from outside with dynamic IP addresses (e.g., NAS, surveillance camera, router, smart home devices, etc.).
- The domain name's DNS zone must be managed by Infomaniak. If needed, transfer your domains to Infomaniak.
- Your device or application must support dynamic DNS records.
Create a Dynamic DNS for Your Domain
To access your domain names:
- Login to the Infomaniak Manager ( using a web browser like Brave or Firefox.
- Click on the ‍ icon in the top-right of the interface (or navigate through the left sidebar menu, for example).
- Select Domains (under Web & Domain).
- Click directly on the name of the relevant object in the displayed table.
- Click on Dynamic DNS in the left sidebar menu.
- Click on the blue button Add Dynamic DNS
- Choose the desired subdomain or leave the Dynamic DNS Name field empty to use the main domain.
- Specify an IP address; this will be dynamically updated by your device/application.
- Set an identifier; this identifier must be entered in your device/application's configuration.
Configure Dynamic DNS on Your Device
Configuring dynamic DNS varies from one device to another. The following guides are provided as references and enable you to link a domain name with:
- a Synology NAS
- a Qnap NAS
- Zyxel / Sunrise Internet Box
- Fritzbox
- Jeedom
- Linux via ddclient
- potentially any device via the API