Knowledge base
1000 FAQs, 500 tutorials and explanatory videos. Here, there are only solutions!
This guide explains how to optimize the website you manage on a Web Hosting to make it faster and allow all visitors to navigate it from the Internet effortlessly, regardless of their connection speed.
⚠️ For additional help, contact a partner or submit a tender — also read the role of the host
The Role of the Host
The loading speed of a website depends on various factors (server performance, hosting provider's network infrastructure, visitor's internet connection, website optimization, etc.).
As a hosting provider, Infomaniak strives to offer the best in hosting and constantly evolves its products and infrastructure:
- All hosting runs on the latest generation SSDs.
- The infrastructure has over 70 Gbit/s of interconnection and redundancy with top Internet service providers (Swisscom, Cogent, Level3, etc.).
- To handle traffic spikes effectively, servers use Intel Xeon 64-bit processors, regularly replaced, and shared servers utilize only about 40% of their CPU power on average.
Additionally, when you submit a support request regarding slowness, Infomaniak analyzes whether:
- Your hosting server has been functioning normally without issues in the last 48 hours.
- The network infrastructure has not experienced disruptions in the last 48 hours.
The Role of the Site Owner and Webmaster
Infomaniak does not intervene in server content or website development. Creating or maintaining a site is a different profession, although it is related to its activities since tools and services are provided that a webmaster uses to create websites.
Identifying the Cause of Slowness
Here's what you should do if you notice slowness with your site:
- Follow Google's recommendations PageSpeed Insights to optimize your website. These recommendations relate to the website's design rather than server configuration; read this (click here) if the test result prompts you to enable resource compression on your site
- If experiencing slowness from abroad, consider enabling DNS Fast Anycast
- Install and configure a caching system on your site to avoid redundant database accesses and speed up your site's display
- Consider a CDN
- Test the server's response speed (TTFB)
- Scan your hosting for viruses
- Regularly purge databases and remove unnecessary entries
- Use the latest version of PHP compatible with your site/CMS/Web application
- Avoid using images, counters, CGI, or media hosted on external providers, as if they become unreachable, your site may appear slow
- Disable unnecessary extensions consuming a lot of resources in your CMS
- Regularly update CMS/Web applications
- Implement a crawl delay for indexing bots, as some have a very "aggressive" operation; you can limit their impact by setting up a Crawl-delay
- Check any error logs that consolidate all errors generated by your site; correcting these errors will improve your site's performance
- Check any slow logs: they group queries that take more than 5 seconds to execute; it's important to correct the queries listed in this file (SQL optimization examples)
- Add a server cache system (Cloud server only)
- Increase the max_children value (Cloud server only)
If the Problem Persists...
As a site owner, if you are a webmaster or have hired a webmaster who also cannot identify the source of slowness, contact Infomaniak support in writing only after obtaining the following information:
- Hosted site name
- Dates and times of slowness experienced
- Name of the possibly affected database / FTP account
- Your public IP address at the time of tests (visible, for example, on
- Type of observed slowness (site display, FTP transfers...)
- Issues (e.g., slowness) accessing the Infomaniak site intermittently?
- Result of a traceroute to and copy/paste the complete results (screenshot if necessary)
- Result of a speed test by choosing Infomaniak as the destination ( — click on Change Server to select Infomaniak)
If Your Needs Expand...
If shared hosting is no longer suitable for your site, consider migrating to a Cloud Server. Your site can be easily moved to this type of server, where it will be alone, and you can install a caching engine, for example.
This guide explains how to transfer an Infomaniak product from one Organization to another.
- You can move any product subscribed to Infomaniak to a different Infomaniak Manager interface than the one where the product is currently located; this is an internal transfer.
- If your user has access to multiple Organizations, it is very easy to send the product of your choice to one of them.
- This operation does not cause any interruption.
- Users currently having access to the selected products will not be transferred (and may therefore no longer have access to the products).
- Invoices for the selected products will not be transferred.
Generate a Transfer Link
- Be an Administrator or Legal Representative‍ within the Organization.
To transfer a product:
- Click here to access the product transfer management page in the Infomaniak Manager (need help?).
- Click the Transfer Products button:
- Select the product(s) to move.
- Review and accept the terms and conditions.
- Click the Transfer button.
The transfer has started. Now, you can:
- Copy the transfer link.
- Send it to the email address of your choice.
- Complete the transfer by selecting one of the Organizations linked to your user account, and the selected product will be transferred there:
Alternative Method
For a one-time transfer, you can also go directly to the dashboard of the product in question and click Manage (example in the image below). However, since this menu is not always available, it is better to use the first method above, which also allows for batch transfers:
Refer to this other guide about Jelastic Cloud.
Receive the Product
Once a transfer has started:
- Click here to access the Organization that will receive the product(s) (the user must have administrative rights).
- Execute the link obtained in the first step above.
- If necessary, choose the destination Organization using the dropdown menu.
- Read and accept the Terms and Conditions.
- Click the Receive Product(s) button (if the button is not clickable, make sure to select the Organization).
If needed, you can create a new Organization to receive products.
You can track an ongoing transfer at any time from the icon at the bottom of the left sidebar in the Infomaniak Manager:
This guide allows you to quickly use the essential functions of your new Cloud Server.
Install an Application
- Create a WordPress website
- Install a web application (ownCloud, Joomla, Typo3, Drupal, phpBB, Simple Machines Forum, Magento, Prestashop, …)
- Install applications/technologies on a Cloud Server (Fast Installer)
Configure the Server
- Manage your MySQL databases
- Manage MySQL limits
- Manage your FTP accounts/users
- Manage and publish files on your hosting via FTP
- Modify resources and configuration
Manage Websites and Domains
If your domain name is not managed by Infomaniak or your hosting is not managed under the same user account as your domain name, check out this other guide to configure DNS or records to link the domain name to your hosting. Additionally:
- Transfer a shared web hosting to a Cloud Server
- Add a site or subdomain to your hosting (multisite)
- Preview your site even if your domain name does not yet point to Infomaniak's servers
If you encounter an issue, check the knowledge base before contacting Infomaniak support.
This guide explains how modify the automatic backup configuration Web Applications Infomaniak (Joomla, Drupal, Typo3, PrestaShop, ownCloud, etc.) included in the offers ofWeb hosting paid.
- This does not concern WordPress, which can be saved and then restored via:
- theautomatic backup of hostings,
- of the extensions allowing you to manually make a complete backup including even an easier reinstall file.
Configure backups
To manage App backups:
- Click here in order to access the management of your product on the Manager Infomaniak (Need help?).
- Click directly on the nameallocated to the product concerned:
- Click on the action menu çš„located to the right of the relevant Web Application.
- Click on Parameters of the application:
- Click on Edit to the right of the Application:
- Click on the box to access the Advanced configuration:
- Choose the modes of update and backup desired:
- 7 recent backups are kept as well as those from 15 and 30 days ago.
- Save the changes with the button at the bottom right.
Read more
- Install or Uninstall a Web Application
- Edit the domain name associated with the Web Application
- Restore a Web Application
Dieser Leitfaden erklärt, wie Sie bestimmte ein- und/oder ausgehende Ports in der Firewall eines Webhostings oder eines Cloud Servers freigeben können.
- Auf einem Shared Webhosting können nur ausgehende Ports geöffnet werden.
- Auf einem Cloud Server können eingehende und ausgehende Ports geöffnet werden.
- Das Öffnen von Ports ermöglicht den ordnungsgemäßen Betrieb bestimmter Anwendungen, kann jedoch die Sicherheit Ihres Hostings verringern.
Auf das Tool zugreifen und eine Regel hinzufĂĽgen
So verwalten Sie die Portfreigaben ĂĽber den Manager:
- Hier klicken, um auf die Verwaltung Ihres Produkts im Infomaniak Manager zuzugreifen (Brauchen Sie Hilfe?).
- Klicken Sie direkt auf den Namen des betreffenden Produkts.
- Klicken Sie im linken SeitenmenĂĽ auf Sicherheit.
- Klicken Sie im linken SeitenmenĂĽ auf Portfreigabe.
- Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Port öffnen:
Es kann jeweils nur eine IP oder ein Host pro Zeile und nur ein Port pro Regel hinzugefĂĽgt werden.
Wenn Sie eine IP oder einen Host angeben, wird die Verbindung nur in folgenden Fällen zugelassen:
Eingehende Regel
: wenn die Verbindung von dieser IP oder dem angegebenen Host stammtAusgehende Regel
: wenn die Verbindung zu dieser IP oder zu diesem Host erfolgt
Gleiches gilt fĂĽr den Verbindungstyp: Wenn das fĂĽr die Verbindung verwendete Protokoll nicht mit dem in der Regel angegebenen Protokoll ĂĽbereinstimmt, wird die Verbindung nicht zugelassen.
Ausgangsport 25 global öffnen
Sie können den Ausgangsport 25
im Manager öffnen, wenn ein Zielhost angegeben ist.
Auf einem Cloud Server um diesen Port weltweit zu öffnen, kontaktieren Sie den Infomaniak-Support und begründen Sie Ihre Anfrage.
Standardmäßig geöffnete Ports
Sobald Sie auf das Tool zur Portfreigabe zugreifen, finden Sie eine Liste der standardmäßig geöffneten Ports auf der Seite.
Auf einem Cloud Server um bestimmte aufgelistete Ports zu schlieĂźen, kontaktieren Sie den Infomaniak-Support und begrĂĽnden Sie Ihre Anfrage.
Die Anzeige kann sich manchmal ĂĽber mehrere Seiten erstrecken:
Informationen zu den Ports fĂĽr Datenbanken finden Sie in diesen Anleitungen:
Portaktivität überprüfen (Cloud Server)
Auf einem Cloud Server, um zu ĂĽberprĂĽfen, ob eine Anwendung auf einem bestimmten Port (1234
im folgenden Beispiel) lauscht und um den Namen der betreffenden Anwendung zu erfahren, fĂĽhren Sie im SSH-Terminal folgenden Befehl aus:
netstat -anpe | grep "1234" | grep "LISTEN"
This guide contains essential resources to get started with your Infomaniak Cloud VPS or VPS Lite.
If you encounter any issues, please consult the knowledge base. Only contact Infomaniak support for questions related to the hardware aspects of the VPS.
- Support for UEFI and Secure Boot is not provided in the Cloud VPS / VPS Lite offer
- It is not possible to migrate a vmdk file to work on OpenStack because KVM is used for virtualization
- Regarding port opening, refer to this guide
Which VPS version to choose?
- Configurations (vCPU / RAM / disk space) differ according to the VPS offers, starting at 1 vCPU with very competitive prices - choose according to your needs; upgrading from VPS Lite to Cloud VPS is not yet possible automatically, and reducing a subscribed offer is not possible
- The same Linux distributions & Windows versions are offered (Windows is not available on the smallest configurations)
- On VPS Lite, bandwidth is limited to 500 Mbit/s and the guaranteed SLA + snapshots are not available
Cloud VPS / VPS Lite Linux
- How to connect to your server via SSH key?
- Which Linux distributions are supported?
- Format and mount the data volume of the Cloud Server (important)
Cloud VPS / VPS Lite Windows
This guide explains how to manage files on a Web Hosting using an FTP software/client like Filezilla, Cyberduck, Commander One, Transmit, etc.
- To manage your web hosting files easily & quickly without installing an application or entering FTP credentials, use Web FTP from your Infomaniak Manager
- Web FTP supports CHOWN and ZIP compression/decompression
- If you need help with creating and editing FTP accounts, refer to this guide
Parameters for FTP Software
Regardless of your FTP software/client, the 3 essential parameters for configuring FTP access are always:
- Host name: FTP server address
- Username: FTP account name
- Password: FTP account password
- The port number is generally left as default
- The connection type and mode is generally left as default
- If a limit on simultaneous connections is offered, it is recommended to enable it
Obtain Hosting Login Information
You can find all the information in your Infomaniak Manager:
- Log in to the Infomaniak Manager ( from a web browser like Brave or Firefox
- Click the ‍ icon at the top right of the interface (or navigate using the left sidebar menu, for example)
- Select Hosting (Web & Domain universe)
- Click on the name of the relevant object in the displayed table
- Click on FTP (or FTP / SSH) in the left sidebar menu
1. FTP Host Name
The host name to use in your FTP software/client is specified at the top of the page obtained in step 5 above and an icon allows you to copy the address to the clipboard.
Starter Offer - Basic Web Page
If the specified domain is not functional (does not point to the hosting IP address, for example), then use the IP address as the host name, in the form 123.45.678.123
(refer to this guide).
Paid Web Hosting
Use the host name in the form
, for example.
2. FTP Username
The username is the name of the account to create in your Manager: xyzb_abcdefg
, for example
3. FTP User Password
The FTP user password is set by the creator of the FTP account. If forgotten, edit the FTP account by clicking on it and set a new password.
Once the Connection is Established…
When you enter the 3 required parameters, your FTP application should display the directory structure of your hosting:
Refer to the documentation of the application used for more information.
⚠️ For additional help contact a partner or submit a request for proposal — also read the role of the host
This guide concerns the support of secure hash functions (notably SHA-256) by Infomaniak servers, as well as the emphasis on SSL/TLS certificate security using CSRs generated with SHA-256.
SHA-256 Hash Algorithm
The cryptographic hash function SHA-1 is compatible, and Infomaniak servers also support the SHA-256 function, which is useful especially for Paypal and SaferPay (SIX).
The Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) are in SHA-256 and not in SHA-1.
This guide explains how to connect via SSH to a Web Hosting or a Cloud Server.
Connecting via SSH
via a web browser
- Log in to the Infomaniak Manager ( from a web browser such as Brave or Edge
- Click on the icon ‍ in the top right corner of the interface (or navigate through the left side menu, for example)
- Choose Hosting (Web & Domain universe)
- Click on the name of the relevant object in the displayed table
- Click on FTP / SSH in the left side menu
- Click on the Web SSH button
via terminal or an application
To connect via SSH, install or activate a software according to the operating system:
- Terminal (application already integrated into macOS and Linux)
- PuTTY (Windows)
- Windows 10 SSH Client (help in French / in English)
Then execute the following command:
ssh username@server
being the FTP account usernameServer
being the host server (e.g.,
To find out which command is available and to know the path to use, type the "whereis" command:
$ whereis mysql
mysql: /opt/mysql/bin/mysql
This guide provides solutions for errors like Malicious Website! The website has been reported as malicious and has been blocked based on your security preferences
Who Displayed This Message?
This error message or warning…
- … IS NOT added by Infomaniak.
- … is generated based on Google’s own criteria, notably using
- … may appear in English (
STOP! This Website Can Harm Your Computer!
). - … may no longer appear directly because…
- … you are no longer listed by Google.
- … you are using a browser that does not rely on Google’s checks.
What Should You Do?
If this does not concern the site you are managing, refer to Google’s help on this matter.
If the site is yours, review the advice below:
- Check the source code of the published page: there is likely additional code compared to clean pages; it could be a malicious iframe or some form of inclusion…
- On the page in question, click the "Why was this site blocked?" button and follow the instructions…
- Refer to Google’s documentation on this topic.
- Monitor the vulnerability detection tool, which could resolve the issue in the meantime.
⚠️ For additional assistance, contact a partner or launch a free tender — also learn about the role of the host.