Our ecological commitments

By adopting these commitments, the Infomaniak management team and employees have made an undertaking to act in line with the company’s ambitions and to enhance these through new initiatives.




Social and environmental responsibility






Social and environmental responsibility



Swiss Dam

1.0 Offset CO2 emissions generated by the company by 200%

Infomaniak offsets the CO2 generated by the company 200% including, for example, the manufacture and disposal (recycling) of servers, electricity production (even renewable), employee transport to their place of work and flights that are necessary for business purposes.

Infomaniak has been certified by the MyClimate organisation for more than 10 years. Created in 2002 at the EPFZ, this Swiss non-profit foundation provides complete services relating to climate protection.

As a green host, Infomaniak currently offsets its carbon footprint by means of a CO2 storage project within a forest reserve in the Swiss Canton of Jura (Soulce Valley, Undervilier). It consists of abandoning use of wood from this reserve. The resulting wood biomass stores CO2, thereby reducing its concentration in the air. Furthermore, not using the wood helps create a habitat for threatened species.

1.1 Make every effort to reduce and optimise energy consumption

Since 2013, an employee has been tasked with managing the company’s energy on a full-time basis. Their objective is to continuously improve the company’s energy performance while strengthening its environmental commitment.

Since 2015, the company has been certified ISO 50'001 (energy management).

The data centers and the employees’ work spaces are subject to strict energy monitoring (see? data centers). Eco-design is taken into account in the development of Infomaniak services and applications and the company enhances the awareness of its